Idk if this is place for this...
My family relationship at home is getting more and more strained and it's becoming very obvious that my mom is planning to kick me out when I become 19, which is when I become adult here.
I have no idea what to do. My only lead on this matter is to get my SSN, horde money until then, and ideally leave the moment I'm 19 so I can keep it as DL as possible.
I don't know what to do, I don't have anyone here because my mom decided to burn every single bridge with the rest of my family. No one can or will help me.
Would just hopping in car and driving somewhere to uh...settle? Be a viable option? I don't really have any money in savings cause I just had to drop a bunch of money to fix my bricks and I only get 20 hours a week as it is.
May 25, 2017 at 09:26PM