I know this isn't super exciting news compared to some of you but I'm very proud of it.
Checking: $3300
Savings: $7900
Vanguard and 401k: $17,500
CC debt: $600
Robinhood stocks: $13,500
Car: $6000
Valuables: $5000+
"Life story"
At 22 I graduated early, $25k in debt with a marketing degree.
Bought a car for $13k
Lived with parents for 10 months, got emergency fund, paid off car.
Worked for 3 years at $33k/year. Paid off student loans. Lived frugally with girlfriend and split costs. Usually about $500/month each for rent throughout the duration.
Paid off student loans in 2 years.
Worked the last year for $40-50,000/year.
Have been contributing and matching 401k amounts. Paid off loans starting with highest interest rate first, always match 401k, and then invest in IRA.
Once I paid off loans I started on IRA, usually contributing 20% of my take home. "Extra" money put into market stocks and I made about 30% last year.
Overall if anyone is looking for tips I'd recommend sticking to your budget, buying value items that you'll keep, limiting your eating out/bar tabs, and cutting your living expenses down as much as possible since it's a huge cost. I'm happy to share and encourage everyone to do the same and pay off your debts! It feels really good for me.
Submitted May 16, 2017 at 04:42PM by ItsSnowingOutside http://ift.tt/2qpo18A