Hi Everyone. I had a design that I am looking for some advice on and/or if there is a better way to create it. Basically I am looking at creating some rectangle metal caps for lack of a better word. These caps would be rather small 2”x2”x1” made out of a thin-ish gauge (11 ga – 0.09”) plate copper or stainless steel (for aesthetics).I have access to a Shopbot desktop CNC and had considered using bar stock, but it is rather expensive and seemed rather wasteful, since I would be hollowing out the vast majority of the material to achieve the end goal.My current thought is to cut the sheet into strips and then bend two sides into “U” shapes and weld them together. Then weld a piece of sheet to the top of the now formed rectangle to complete the cap. Is this the best solution or is there a better way?I also looked into deep draw pressing through out-sourcing to Alibaba, but I only need 12 of these and with the costs of creating the dies (if they can be done in one pressing function) was extremely costly.Any advice would be greatly appreciated. via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2r3FvVO