The basement was leaking. That led to suspicions the downspout drains weren't working right. Which led to $800 for guy to dig holes all around the house and run cameras into pipes. Which led to $4500 of work to trench away from the house, under a concrete pad, around a tree, under a shed, into an old play area and new pit with gravel for drainage with proper clean out.
All because the yahoo who built the place 12 years ago didn't bother to connect the downspout drains to anywhere for the water to go. So the drainage system was collecting all the water it could off the roof and essentially injecting it into the ground all around the foundation. Which was messing up the soil under the foundation and the house was going to start sinking and cracking if it didn't get fixed. Oh, and leaking into the basement. Bonus.
And... I could just do it.
So now we are down to five months mortgage saved, from six and a half-ish. From WTF! to work done in five days.
It hurt to spend the money, but we had it. And we don't have to cancel the summer vacation we have saved up for, disappointing my son.
It hurt taking all those bits of money and saving them. It hurt not using the wedding gifts to buy fun things, just putting it into savings and ignoring it. It hurt not getting the boat, or the RV, or the whatever...
But I could be surprised with nearly $5k work of work and just do it.
Emergency funds and houses. They go together like socks and shoes.
Submitted May 26, 2017 at 10:56AM by Resipiscence