I came into some money and was thinking of consulting with a certified financial planner. I found a fiduciary in my area that seems respectable. She doesn't seem to play any games and she isn't in the market to sell any stocks, etc. She seems like a reasonable person from talking to her on the phone. The only downside is that she charges $250 per hour. When I briefed her on my situation, she said she would like anywhere from 12-14 hours to work on a plan for me (about 4-5 hours of that time would be us sitting face to face). This would amount to $3000-$3500ish dollars. She sounds good and respectable, but I don't want to be swindled.
I'm thinking of purchasing a house, so it may prove worth it in the long run. What does r/personalfinance think about hiring a financial planner? Worth it?
Submitted May 15, 2017 at 11:36PM by mre321 http://ift.tt/2qpZCxL