I bought a house in September 2013 in a rural town Alberta. During each spring and summer over the past four years we have gotten water in our finished basement.The first year (spring '14) water came on the west side of our house. We pulled off the baseboards and the carpet up and discovered our there was a hole in the floor with our storm drain. The ground water was rising above the excavation and into our basement. Our quick fix was drilling a small hole into the pipe so the ground water could drain into it and drain away from our house.Spring '15 once the snow melted started leaking on our east side underneath a window. At first I thought maybe the window sill was leaking but I exposed the foundation and there was a large crack covered up with tar from the previous owners. We injected a product called 'Sika fix kit' which is just expanding foam. We let it settle in and then ran a garden hose towards the foundation crack for hours and no signs of leaking.Summer '16, after days and days of heavy rainfall water started seeping in from a cove joint (where the foundation and concrete wall meets) in our south east corner. We then jack-hammered a hole and dropped in a sump pump. Piped it outside and away from the house and thought our water problems were over after surviving continuous rainfall. We then decided to finish our basement again; replace drywall, add some electrical outlets, paint, buy new carpet and underlay.About a week ago we had some rain, nothing heavy. Went downstairs to change the dehumidifier and stepped into an absolutely soaked carpet. My heart just dropped. My first instinct was to check if the sump failed. Nope, sump is working and the floor is dry all around it. Checked the storm drain where we had our first flood issue. Nope, water is below the excavation. So, unfortunately I had to cut up our brand new carpet and underlay, haul it outside and try to find where the damn water is coming in from now. It's continuously leaking in and I'm just using a shop-vac and a garden hose to squeegee pump the water out. It's another foundation leak, but I don't know what to do this time.I'm looking for any advice on what to do. I've done research and I believe my best bet is to install interior weeping tile rather than exterior. I'm sick and tired of doing this every single year and want a permanent solution. Choosing interior over exterior sounds a little easier on the bank account and manual labour. Have any of you ever done either interior or exterior, any help or advice is greatly appreciated.TLDR; basement has leaked for the 4 spring in a row. Different solution each time, worked until the next spring. Looking for any advice or stories on how you fixed a leaking basement. via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2rGBeam