My friend and I have been working on a website to help people with investing. We've been at it for a while, but are now having second thoughts. We would like to get some feedback to see if it's something people think is a good idea or would use.
The website would send you an email or text message every time an executive of a company/s of your choosing bought or sold stock. The idea is that an executive would have knowledge on what's happening in the company when buying or selling stock and consumers could follow their purchases to also profit.
We know that a few other websites are doing the same sort of thing, but they are overly complicated and charge a lot more than we are planning. We want to aim at more the mom and pop investors.
The reasons we're thinking of stopping this project are: There's the slight possibility we could be stopped from accessing the SEC website to get the updates. Would users actually be able to profit enough off the advice? Say an exec in apple bought stock could an average Joe really profit that much since an individual share of apple is currently around $140.
Would love to hear feedback and thanks!
Submitted April 13, 2017 at 11:09PM by stupidusernamefield