I am 30 and 3 years ago I was diagnosed with a rare disease that has caused liver cirrhosis. It was devastating, but now I am living pretty normally, waiting until I'm sick enough for my doctors to justify the living donor transplant surgery. I was contacted by my sorority chapter advisor and she said the chapter wanted to do a fund raiser for me, they raised $3,200 and sent me a check. I don't know when my liver will fail and when I will use the money, it could even be five years from now. Do I put it in a savings account? How do I do my taxes? I'm afraid that two years from now people will be like... did she ever get a transplant or just take our money?
I would never do anything unethical with it, but afraid of what others will think since I don't know a date.
Where do I put this donation until the time comes?
Edit: I see people occasionally in the news being arrested for faking cancer or something for donations! I'm not a fake, I just don't know when my liver will fail! Did I accept this donation too soon?
Submitted April 25, 2017 at 02:53AM by smashingpumpkinspice http://ift.tt/2oqCUYB