Firstly, very big fan of this subreddit and the free advice that's offered. Like many of you, I've worked hard at paying-off student loans ($48k) and am working to build a future for me and my future family in the Bay Area. So I need some advice.
My financial details as follows:
Stocks in Personal Account - $22,000 IRA & 401k Investments - $19,500 Savings, 1% interest - $51,000 Checking - $9,000 Income - $140,000 a year Goal #1 - Get married in next 2 years Goal #2 - Buy a house someday, maybe
I feel stuck because I haven't fully decided if I want to save for a house. I also feel uncomfortable with the stock market because valuations are high and stocks have been rising for the last 8 years. Is it okay to hold this much cash or should I invest more?
Submitted April 11, 2017 at 03:44PM by notfranco