I have Geico and my honda civic is a 2008. I thought my 6 month premiums would eventually go down as my car aged, but they haven't and they have gradually gone up over the years. I started shopping around getting quotes from other companies and some companies gave my quotes completely eliminating collision coverage.
At what time in the life of your car should you drop collision? My info: my deductible for both collision and comprehensive is $1000. My car is worth roughly $6000-$7000. I travel ~100miles round trip for work everyday on major high speed highways, but that should decrease to ~50 miles a day within the next 6 months to a year assuming I move closer to work which I want to do.
I'm conflicted because if I drop collision it would lower my premium by about ~$130 but makes me nervous with the amount of driving I currently do. I also live in the DC metro area, so accidents def happen.
March 12, 2017 at 03:46PM