Sony MDR-AS20J/WHI wrap-around earphones.
I bought my pair about 5 or 6 years ago. I needed an inexpensive replacement pair that also had decent sound quality.
I don't remember exactly how much I paid for these, but it was around $20, which isn't bad.
These little earphones have lasted through everything I put them through. I regularly fall asleep with them in, sometimes leaving music playing all throughout the night on accident. I've gotten sand on them, left them out in freezing temps and really hot temps. Yanked them around, accidentally sat on them. Overall, I haven't been very careful with them.
To this day, they still sound amazing. I don't recall the exact audio quality spec, but I believe it was self advertised as 20 Hz to 20 KHz, which iirc is about as good as it gets. I would believe that. These little earphones have better sound quality than any other headphones or speakers that I've used. I mostly listen to metal and electronica/synthwave and I can hear everything crystal clear, at full volume. Years of heavy usage have not shown any noticeable wear down of the speaker quality. The other day I was playing a game I used to play a long time ago, and I had these earphones on and I was noticing sounds that not even my Logitech Z-2300 2.1 speaker system produces when I play the same game.
These are my all-purpose earphones and the only pair I ever use. IMO, aside from the general durability and great audio quality, their strongest features are the amazing bass range which I regularly notice when I listen to metal, and the durability of the wire sleeving in particular. A common issue with previous earphones I have used is that the sleeving starts to fall apart leaving the wires exposed. Not the case with these.
Overall great product, much better than I expected for a $20 pair of generic Sony earphones. I'd recommend it as a BIFL product.
Submitted March 01, 2017 at 11:38PM by tehrand0mz