One of my best mates is a very big guy, about 200kg and please, don't get on his case about the weight, he knows, we all know, just... help us find a way to hang out with our good friend in comfort.
We've been looking for a good, sturdy recliner since he can't often stay around our place because the furniture isn't up to snuff. We found a couple of things but they're all US only and don't ship to Australia.
The Mega Motion LC-500 and the Lane Furniture Stallion are the kind of thing we're looking for but again, they don't ship to Australia which is the big shame. At least not that I've found.
Hopefully you guys can point us in the right direction, or to a seller of the above chairs in Aus, or a way to get them delivered.
Willing to spend up to $3000 AUD including shipping but obviously would prefer less.
Submitted March 27, 2017 at 04:32AM by BloodChicken