I'm completely broke until friday due to some unforeseen car expenses that couldn't wait. I don't get paid until next friday. I have $50 in my bank account which isn't even enough to pay for the gas I'm going to need this week. I have enough food in my fridge to last maybe half the week. I need like at least $100 bucks more for the week to pay for gas to get to and from campus and work, and food for lunch breaks, and I literally do not have it. I've been asking around if there's any small job to do for a little cash, but no one's really responsive to that, so I'm not sure what to do. Any suggestions?
Blood plasma: checked into it. Closest place is 2 hours from me which is $30 dollars in gas just for one donation.
Pawning: I don't like the idea of pawning and only have one or two items I could even consider. I have very few items worth any value. I live a minimalist life. I don't have an expensive jewelry, I don't have any old cell phones that still function, I don't have any extra tvs and I'd pawn mine, except it's one of those old box ones that are worth like $15 bucks. I have a really nice guitar given to me by my dad and there's no way I could get rid of it. I have a nice keyboard piano that was worth $800 when I bought it. Now not so much. I have an old wii system my sister gave me for christmas, but I'd hate to sell or pawn it and then get asked about it later. plus the closest pawn shop is an hour away. that's $15 in gas.
Dog walking: Would love to dog walk for people, but I'm not sure how to advertise or how to get perspective clients. I live in a town of 500 people, the next town down has a couple thousand so there might be some options for dog walking there.
Mowing lawns/yard work: if it was summer I would have done this but it is the middle of winter. Also no snow the shovel cause we haven't gotten a storm in a while.
Online options: Any suggestions about making money online? A friend of mine used to get paid to do surveys, but I have no idea what it is or how it works or where I can figure out how to do it or how legal it is.
Submitted March 04, 2017 at 10:48AM by deathbryte http://ift.tt/2m7ZAKa