Surprised to not see this mentioned
(only know it works in the US for sure).
I came upon this realization a few years ago, while looking at all the prices in the shelves of the HVAC filter section. I know this applies at every walmart/lowes/home depot I've been to.
Anyways, real life example: I need 12x24 filters. I saw the 24x24 filters (and everything in between and larger/smaller of the same filtering grade/brand) cost exactly the same ($20). These were the very high end, allergy proof-everything proof filters. So I then grabbed the 24x24 and cut it in half on one side, giving me two 12x24s, for essentially $10 each, rather than one for $20. You can easily transfer the cardboard edge to the cut piece as well to preserve rigidity.
Caveat: not too many sizes are easily split in two
March 13, 2017 at 10:25AM