My nephew is the son of my brother's girlfriend, so not my biological nephew, but he has been an important part of our lives for about 8 years now. It looks like things are not going to work out between his mother and my brother. Despite the fact that my brother sees him as his son and he sees my brother as his dad (his bio dad sees him a couple of times a year and doesn't acknowledge his birthday), I have little hope that she will let my brother or the rest of my family have any contact with him if they split (I pray I am wrong). If I face not getting to see him anymore, I'd like to do everything I can to support him and let him know I love him. One thing I'd like to do is set up a fund for him. I'd like it to be something that his mother cannot touch, but that he'd have access to as an adult. We wouldn't be able to contribute a huge amount of money (maybe $1,000 a year). What are my best options for this? How do I make sure he knows how to access it when he is an adult if I am not able to stay in touch with him? He's in 5th grade right now, so old enough for me to inform of this fund, but not necessarily old enough to keep up with account information.
Submitted March 12, 2017 at 07:15PM by thankyou_kindpeople