First I wanted to say that this is a great group. It is my first time here. I'd appreciate all and any honest advice.
A little back story first, I'll try to keep it simple. I am married. No kids at home. I have been at the same job for 10.5 years. I like the work but I am getting real sick and tired of the rat race, not being appreciated and being constantly lied to and taken advantage of. I have been for many, many years. I am still there because the pay is good but I am very stressed, anxious and going crazy. I want out!
I'm 55. No retirement saved, having lived primarily paycheck to paycheck. My wife receives $850+ from SSDI /mo. Since her "illness", we had to take out bankruptcy as she could no longer work and we couldn't afford our bills. Lately we have been able to cut some expenses so now we can save approx. 1K/mo. Currently we have 5K in the bank. We own a home, 10 years in and estimate currently 50 to 60K equity with a cheap sell to get out. When our bankruptcy is done in 4-6 months, we'll be completely debt free with the exception of the mortgage.
Our goal and dream is this: We want to move to the PNW, probably Oregon as we love the PNW after living in Seattle for 10 years but we could never afford that. I'm planning on moving us some where that we can afford to live after I can retire. When the BK is over, I estimate we would have about 60-70K+ in cash to leave with after the sell of the house and our savings. We want to move to a small rural area, 30 to 60 minutes away from a fairly major city so the wife can maintain her doctor appointments as well as if I absolutely need to work. I really don't want to.
We figured, after looking at current listings, we could primarily pay cash for a mobile home (to keep it simple) or put at least 50% down and finance the rest with a mortgage of about $100/mo. Theoretically we would still have some savings and worst case scenario could live off her SSDI paying utilities, gas and food. The only other expense I would need to have is medical insurance for myself. My wife's is great through her disability.
All we want to do is garden, read and enjoy nature and each other. Nothing else. No travel, been there, done that. We are both home bodies and are perfectly content staying at home 99% of the time. I so bad want to make this work. I honestly feel it can. Am I being realistic in thinking we could make this work?
Submitted March 19, 2017 at 01:13AM by Bs2xs