Link to original thread:
Sorry for disappearing from the last thread, it's been a crazy weekend, to say the least. But here is the state of things as of now:
Had credit check done. Parents had opened a credit card in my name. They apparently opened it to "pay the bills" and since my credit was good they got approved for a $8,000 limit (not sure how good that is?). Anyways, they maxed it out, and to add insult to injury, the monthly payments for this credit card is the debt they asked me to help them with after they lost their jobs. So if I stop paying it, they won't be paying it, and I will be the one that gets hurt in the long run.
I won't be letting them buy a house in my name. I won't help them with rent, and I'm not going to offer to live with them to help with living expenses. At this point I'm not sure what to do, except scream at them, because they appear to be completely oblivious to the fact that their actions were wrong. When confronted, their response was just, "Well, they wouldn't let us apply for anymore credit cards."
My family will not be privy to any of my financial status in the future. They don't get to know about new jobs, promotions, anything. From now on, all they need to know is I have a lot of debt (I do), and that I'm doing my best to pay it down (I am).
Thank you so so much to everyone who commented on the last thread and helped open my eyes to how bad this situation really was.
I'm really frustrated, and upset, and feel like trying to better my life has been a pointless endeavor, but I'm going to keep on keeping on, and hopefully this too shall pass.
Thank you, again. <3
Submitted February 13, 2017 at 11:54AM by CowboySparkles