Yeah you guys are going to love this one.
Some context: My parents had issues with credit early in life when I was young, I thought they had got out of it since they moved to a nice house when I was in college and seemed like we're doing well. I have 4, younger siblings aged 18, 20, 23 and 25.
Some stats to help the advice:
I'm married. Between my wife and I we make just shy of 100k per year. We own our home, our car, she has about 5k left in student loans, I didn't go to college.
Sibling Aged 25, didn't go to college either. Makes just shy of 45k. Owns his home, owns his car no loans
Siblings 20 and 23 are enrolled in college. Both have student loans, but they said our parents are completely managing it.
18 lives at home and is in high school.
I have never used credit cards or any kind of loans mainly because of the shit my parents got into with credit cards and I didn't want any chance of getting into it. I saved up for the things I wanted then bought them. We live in a rather cheap area to live so it's not too difficult. My 25 year old brother and I are carpenters so we built our houses.
My 23 year old sister came to me today after she tried signing up for a credit card and got denied. She didn't know why as she was a student, had good grades, and a job on campus. I did some digging and found out her credit was in the toilet and that's why. apparently she has multiple credit cards in her name and so do all of my other siblings including myself.
I confronted my parents about it and apparently they never got out of the debt they had when I was younger but was working off the credit of my siblings and I. Their reasoning was that we owed them for raising us and this is how they could do it.
The only person in my family right now that isn't in the shitter is my 18 year old brother, though he does have multiple credit cards in his name that I know he didnt get himself.
What's the process for taking care of this, how do I get my and my siblings credit up. I'm already planning on reporting my parents for indentity theft and have no problem with that. Although it didn't hurt me and my one brother very much. It fucked up everyone else.
TL:DR Parents took out credit cards in mine and my siblings names. How to clean up.
Submitted February 14, 2017 at 01:00AM by FuckingHelpMe1900