Weil-McLain WGO-4 Oil Boiler.I've been having issues with my boiler pressure, relief has popped twice and I don't know what else to do. Changed the expansion tank (for no reason lol but now I have a backup ). Here is some information that may help.Cold Fill Pressure - 12 psi. Expansion Tank Pressure (With cold boiler) - 12 psi. High Limit Pressure - 28+ psi.All of these pressures have been double checked with the boiler pressure gauges and digital pressure gauges.Boiler is 3 zones, two heating and one for the indirect. Heat is done off zone valves with one main circulator on the return and the indirect uses a flo-chek with a circulator on the return.The expansion tank is a watts #30 (Which online calculators say is adequate for the boiler) which comes off an air scoop which has a hy-vent off the top on the supply side.I also have the water feed shut off to the boiler, to stop any water from being sucked in from the circulators..Please point me in the right direction, this is driving me mad. via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2kHBVQ7