First post in this sub and thought it was appropriate because this could have screwed up my career and income.
- I work for a multi national corporation
- Boss is overseas with half the team
- I'm stateside with the rest of the team
- It is annual review time
Days ago we had our annual review so I had some time to sit down to discuss performance. I submitted my own glowing marks and this was my opportunity to get the boss's take. The conversation started off with the good then went to the areas of opportunity.
The problem:
- We spent 20 minutes speaking about perceptions in the workplace and how, after soliciting feedback from colleagues, the conclusion is that I am not a team player.
- Shit marks in one area but a decent enough review overall
I disagreed but took the feedback, how can one speak to a perception - especially once received second hand and after the fact? I didn't want to get defensive and then seem like I was a douche for not helping then being one to get offended when called out on it. The mark I was to receive in one area of my review was not terrible, but it certainly was sub par which has a bearing on my merit increase in salary and my bonus potential.
The conversation bothered me most the morning so I went digging in my email for documented evidence to counter the points my boss made. This is where my boss working overseas really saved my hind end: I had to document everything because most of the admin stuff we dealt with was via email because of the time difference. We'd talk in a 30 min 1:1 every few weeks but for the most part the communication was via email. I was able to pull 8 emails to counter each point the boss made and I asked to revisit the conversation because the picture that was presented was not accurate in my opinion.
The follow up:
- Via email with supporting documentation in a .zip file attached I laid out my counterpoints
- I respectfully asked for an opportunity to address a few differences
- I had to follow up twice but finally got something on the calendar
- We met and the boss had met with the boss's boss, and one level higher
- They determined that too much weight had been given to perception
- My marks were raised from decent to above average
- Documentation is to thank, the higher ups would have gone with the manager's discretion without it
For most of us our salary is our largest income stream. I left this situation realizing that regardless of where my boss is located I need to document conversations and expectations and be sure to communicate via email regarding items that may have an impact on my performance review. Without the documentation the big boss would have gone with the boss's word over mine. Now, my plan is to follow up discussions with a brief "Hey - this is my takeaway from our meeting this afternoon...x y z... please let me know if your expectation is otherwise." Nothing too legalistic or whatever, just a brief note communicating expectations.
You may want to consider this too. My review went from par overall with an area needing improvement to above par because I challenged the narrative the boss presented with documented evidence. I would love to know your thoughts - please give your comments some context (if you were the manager or employee, etc.) Lastly, don't take this to mean: spam your boss's email inbox. Like anything some level of discernment is required. If you are constantly nagging you will come off like you need to be told what to do... pick the big things and manage expectations accordingly. My ass was saved by accident, hopefully this helps yours.
TL;DR Boss gave me shit ratings because of misconceptions about my performance, my documentation provided the necessary evidence for the boss's boss to bump the rating up where it should be. Document the important stuff!
Edit: Formatting
Submitted February 07, 2017 at 08:20PM by Hemlock_and_Oregano