I've been using Mint daily for many, many years now. It has all of my accounts and I use it constantly to check transactions, do my monthly budget, keep an eye on comings and goings etc.
However, it's definitely been going downhill over the last few years. The basics are still there but they're not adding much that can help me further, and I've had constant trouble getting accounts to link properly lately. Almost every day it has a problem with something, and it's getting to the point that it's flat out failing to recognize perfectly normal accounts I've had for years with no issues.
Mint itself seems remarkably unconcerned about this turn of events, and while I understand that it's probably not a huge moneymaker for Intuit it's a key part of my fiscal responsibility.
In short then, what competitors to Mint do what they do, better, and what else do they bring to the table?
February 23, 2017 at 12:55PM