I currently live with my GF near boston. I pay about $850 a month in rent and utilities (It is the cheapest we could find in the area) We are trying to buy a condo to lower our living costs.
I want to learn programming and think a community college is a good place to start. My question is, are there any programs that could help me pay for it?
I work 50 hours a week 7-5 mon-friday, with a 1 hour commute each way. So I only get about an hour and a half or two hours each night that I could work on classes. Im worried that I would have to drop hours from work to make time, which may result in me not being able to afford my bills. I have about $1400 in credit card debt, but that will be blasted when I get my tax refund.
My bills are currently: Credit cards: $75 Car payment $400 Rent: $750 Utilities: ~$150 Commercial Car insurance: $100 Health insurance: $50
I make between $500 to $700 a week (Boston Food Delivery). No Savings, putting about $2000 in when I get tax refund.
If I have to drop hours, are they any programs or anything that can help me pay my bills while I take classes?
Any other tips would be appreciated as well.
Submitted February 17, 2017 at 08:26AM by BostonDeliveryFTW http://ift.tt/2kQN6Uq