Sorry if this is a giant rants guys.
Late 20s here. Obviously a bit behind the ball compared to most but I'm ready to make some changes/different moves. Was a bit of a dumb kid in my younger years. Didn't really rack up any credit card debit but had a few outstanding bills that I had to run a credit report and couple years ago and after a few months had all cleared up. Currently I'm working full time. Making 35-40k a year depending on over time. Don't know too much about my 401k (can update later) I invest 5% of my check I believe and at the end of the year company adds 10% of my yearly income to it (pretty sure?). I go to school part time (automotive) which I pay for with student loans mostly. The loans are federal and fixed at 2%. Bank with a reg. Bank and have a small rainy day fund of about 1,000 Now since I've done my credit check and cleared up my debt I got a secured credit card. Probably had it for 2yrs? And my limit is 600. I Pay it off every month in full. Credit car company (MasterCard) says they can't up my limit on a secured card though. Haven't ran a credit report in atleast a year but the cc has a credit tracker app. That rates me at 685 and the beginning of last year rates me at 640.
My questions are should I open up another card to increase my total credit? What cc's are my best option? Do I close my secured cc when I do? If not how should I go about using two?
What's the pros/cons of switching to a credit union? Pretty comfy with my bank now but doubt they'd ever give me a loan or anything.
I've tried applying for aid,grants and scholarships with school but haven't had much luck with my income. Any advice?
Also one last thing. Been looking into investing into a gaming pc instead of buying a PS4/Xbox I need a new desktop with either way so why not? Amazon has a 0% interest for a year offer for a pc I'm interested in. Anyone done this before ? How would it affect my credit etc?
Submitted January 05, 2017 at 07:21AM by Murdermitten99