Something I see here a lot, and maybe I'm a minority for disagreeing with, is that a lifetime warranty makes something BIFL. In my opinion it does not, it's just a nice feature on some products.
Outside of America it is often impractical to ever claim, with shipping etc, and some companies just don't recognise international claims. But more important is the mentality.
If I buy a cheap thing from China and replace it every few years, it will probably work out cheaper all up than buying one good one, but I still don't like it and that's why I'm here. I don't really see lifetime warranty as much different. Someone saying "get this one because when it breaks, they'll give you a new one" is totally against the purpose of this sub, but it's a view I see a lot. It's /r/buyitforlife not /r/buyItForAShortWhileAndGetAFreeReplacement!
Besides, the international problem, there's the problem of companies going out of business or changing their warranty policy.
This sub is for stuff which doesn't need replacing, not for stuff which is easy to replace when it fails. That's the total opposite of this sub!
Rant over.
Submitted January 08, 2017 at 01:40AM by stop_running