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Last month I found a bunch of unknown transaction in my checking account. The total came out to around $2000. Each transaction detail said PayPal and my boyfriends first initial and last name. When I confronted him about it, he was shocked and soon after gave an explanation. He said my card must have been saved on my Google account and when his work credit card reached its limit it must have defaulted to my card. This is believable because we share devices and he promised to get his job to pay me back for the purchases.

He has only paid me back 1000 so far and it's been over a month. Said he was waiting to get it in his paycheck. And there's a limit to how much he can transfer at one time.

Today I found a new transaction with the same PayPal details but this was made on a brand new checking account with a different bank. I haven't made any purchases with this card, 0 transactions. I only deposited enough into it to not get charged the monthly maintenance fee. And today I found a transaction from his PayPal account AGAIN!! He has no explanation for it and I'm in denial that he did this to me intentionally. I don't know what to think but what other explanation could there be! Unless I'm missing something, isn't the only explanation that he had to have taken my debit card info? At this point a total of 4k is now owed to me. Any advice is helpful.

Submitted March 28, 2024 at 01:01AM by valkyriebumm https://ift.tt/GiI7Rzr

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