I like my field and I want to stay it but I hate my current job at my current company. I can barely tolerate my technical lead (hes very condescending and treats me like I don't know anything, despite that I've worked under him for over a year). I despise the fact that I keep getting really bad tasks that I hate (makes up 100% of my tasks). I feel so pigeonholed in my role at my company. It pisses me off so much that as bad as it sounds, I am dozing off at work and doing other non-work stuff instead of working/prioritizing my tasks. I’m taking extremely long to do my tasks and quiet quitting essentially. I’m very tight lipped and short with my responses and I avoid socializing as much as possible. I’m so full of anger here and it feels like a vicious cycle because I can probably inject myself into any new job but I’ll eventually get back to this point where i fucking hate everything. I do not think that its only the workplace to blame as I should communicate more about what I want but in reality, thats not how it is here. I’m just given whatever tasks. I’m so sick of this. I hate being here. I’m so bitter that I hope they fire me. I hate being the employee with a chip on their shoulder every damn day. But I don’t feel qualified for other positions at other companies. Absolutely fucked.
I thought about going back to school to seek a degree in another area but it would take forever because I can only manage 1 class per semester with my current job (the only purpose of the degree is the piece of paper so I can easily get into other companies). I don't have an employer thats willing to cover the cost of this education.
I just feel like the only reasons I am still at this job are:
1) income
2) i'm hoping the years of experience are going to look good on paper for another prospective job.
3) I'm waiting to be fired or laid off
Submitted June 21, 2023 at 05:21AM by tiredofthebull1111 https://ift.tt/bDCv5Gn