So I literally just got a new veh. While I was negotiating I mentioned that Hyundais website had a 0.9% APR loan. I was told that it was only for 36 months. After this, they came back with a 3.9% rate on a 72 month loan (I had told them I wanted payments to be $500 or less). However I couldn’t help but keep looking & found out that actually they offer the 0.9% rate for 48 months. It obviously raises my payments by about another $120 or so (before state taxes). I would much rather have the 48 month, regardless of the increase. Is this something I can even re-finance though, or did I just get screwed? Not sure if I’d get approved for 0.9% but they are both through Hyundai and they approved the 3.9% rate. My credit score is 787, however considered “thin credit”. The 0.9% rate offer ends 1/1/2023.
Submitted November 19, 2022 at 05:17AM by iAlex2727