Hello. 26 year old engaged couple making about 130k combined in a HCOL area.
We have about 80k combined student loan debt. Other than that, our only real monthly expenses are our cars and our 401k contributions.
We currently live with my parents for free and have saved a pretty good amount up (75k). We lived together and paid rent in college, but aren’t really sure renting is our best option as it seems mortgages may cost close to rent.
I really have no idea how much house we can comfortably afford. (I see townhouses for about 300k-400k but am not really sure if that’s considered “in our budget”. Can we realistically afford to buy a house or do we need to rent and try to increase our incomes?
Submitted August 17, 2022 at 09:05PM by helpdesk-26 https://ift.tt/89zAudy