I'm 23 years old and make around 80,000-100,000$ a year, just recently started putting money into a Roth IRA last year, right now I have 9600~ in AMD stock and I really like the stock. I've traded a few stocks here and there but AMD is my top stock to own right now, I put 7% of my paycheck into my 401k from work, and save around 90% of my money in long term investments. I only have the Roth IRA to really invest in my own opinions, the others are all just ETF's in my other accounts.
What do you guys think about having 100% of a Roth IRA in a single stock?
I like to trade in Roth IRA because of tax advantages and ability to withdraw deposits.
Please don't clown on me, I just am genuinely curious as to how others, older than me balance their IRA's and if anyone had bad/good experiences in their life with it.
Also yes, I sell covered calls against my shares every week. Usually I just buy the farthest out OTM option that has some kind of free premium, because I really don't like getting called out of my shares and 3$/week is better than nothing I suppose.
Submitted July 31, 2022 at 02:47AM by omenoflord https://ift.tt/vsbV7qg