Background: 35. Give 15% into 401k. No savings. Grew up poor and am bad/undisciplined with money (make it, spend it). I got a raise from 60k to 80k a year ago - thought I would be able to pay down debt, instead I've got in deeper. Realized the problem is not my earnings, its my habits. Would appreciate any feedback on where you would start.
Monthly After-tax income: $4500 | Jan Spending: $5020
- Rent -1012
- Insurance -132.77
- Student Loan -165
- Car Payment -314 (owe 6k)
- Debt Consolidation Service -559.35 (owe 12k)
- Utilities -395.45 (electric, water, trash, gas)
- Medical (Injury Rehab, required for some time) -340
- CC Payments -313.77 (pay over the min, I owe 4k across 4 cards in addition to debt consolidation listed above)
Other Spending
- Gym -22.63
- Charitable -45
- Amazon Purchase (home goods tru prime) -117.34
- Gas Station -85.55
- Other Spending (Home Depot, Autozone, tax service, etc) -503.13
- Grocery -592.35
- Restaurants -161.16
- Education -39
- Apple Sub -152.76 (stupid/careless. I have cancelled all but $20 here already)
- Clothes -23.67
- eBay -44.36
Submitted February 16, 2022 at 12:24AM by mrdavis909