I've been in touch with two different financial advisers about starting investing. One is the investment firm endorsed by the teacher union (#1). The other is an investment firm endorsed by Dave Ramsey (#2).
Adviser #1 wants me to do a Roth 403(b) and start contributing $350 twice a month starting with my November 1st paycheck. He said his fee is 0.9%.
Adviser #2 wants me to start with a Roth IRA because I'm a substitute teacher and a Roth IRA has more "flexibility." He wants me to contribute $250 twice a month starting in December. He said his fee is 5.75%.
I'm leaning toward Adviser #1. Any advice? My hope is to be hired as a full time teacher next school year. I also work a side job at a restaurant on weekends. Thank you
Submitted October 28, 2021 at 10:40AM by ValuableInsight20 https://ift.tt/31as3Gm