I’m 28M, and a full time teacher making a salary of $56k a year. My paychecks are $1855.90 bi weekly, so around $3700 a month. In college the only loans I had were for college, and I made the mistake of financing a MacBook with barclaycard. Than my mom signed me up without my knowledge for a discover card, she stated they were doing a deal for college students. Said I should build up my credit. Was a huge mistake with no self control at the time.
I lost my job in college and couldn’t make rent, so I used another card I acquired, as I couldn’t find another job for a while.
I graduated years ago but my total CC debt is at $13,300. Most payments are around $87, and most come out from the 1-10 of the month which is a huge inconvenience. My car payment comes out at the first of the month, and the 30th for $300 each totaling $600. I still owe $25k on it, so I can’t get out. I had to move away to teach at the school district I’m at.
I just got paid today and have $1956. My rent is $1400 and after fees including internet electricity and water it’s around $1550. Car payment $300 also comes out.
I’m honestly not sure what to do anymore. I applied for a debt consolidation loan through my bank but the denied me before because debt to income ratio. I haven’t even touched my student loans that start in January. I added everything I have on this app called MINT. And I’ve already told myself no eating out, I overspent on groceries, and spent $100 on clothing which I won’t do anymore. Also thinking of selling my gaming pc that’s probably worth over $1800 now with prices being they are.
Anyone have any ideas? I know I made mistakes, haven’t used the CC in over a year but paying minimum due hardly touches it. I can’t back getting a car or that I had to move out for work.
Submitted September 30, 2021 at 09:11AM by Realize2021 https://ift.tt/3zVp5Bc