Not sure if this is the right place to ask for advice but I'm fuming.
- I got an email from a video production company saying I had spent ~$900 on a video project. They had all my personal info.
- I immediately wrote to the video production company, asking them what was up and alerting them to the fact that they the purchase was invalid. They wrote back saying they canceled the transaction and refunded the amount. I have the email records.
- I also immediately contacted our credit card company and reported it as fraudulent.
- Months later, having forgotten all about it, our credit card company (Chase Visa) fraud department contacts us that they investigated and found that because they had my personal info the purchase must have been valid. I called and fought it, during which they told me that I should send the emails to their fraud department so they could check them but that if they found I was still responsible there was no recourse after this.
- I sent the emails and all contact with the video company, assuming THIS was the end of it. Today I just got the letter from Chase saying they reviewed everything and decided I really did purchase $900 of video projects.
What recourse do I even have? This feels like Twilight Zone levels of stupidity. I know credit card companies and fraud departments WANT your money so it's incentive for them to decide that you really did spend the money but the reasoning of, "Well, they had your personal info" feels like such a head in the sand reasoning given the current state of "privacy" online.
Submitted September 11, 2021 at 12:09PM by Petersonian