I was casually looking around and interviewed for Company B, went through their interviews and got an offer for 86k and a possible bonus of 10-12% each year. (The bonus has been consistently at least 10% for the past couple years as the company keeps doing better each year)
At the time at Company A I was only making 76K with an average gain-share bonus each year of 3.5%
I told A that I was leaving for B after signing an offer, A countered at new salary of 88k. Told B I rescind my acceptance and they said they were going to send one more offer anyway.
Their new offer is base salary of 96K with their (10-12) % possible bonus structure.
I am very conflicted now on whether I should stick with A or go with B.
All other benefits, work-life, insurance is very comparable and it just comes down to the bottom line. While more money is nice, it is scary leaving my current job for a new one and feels like a breakup of a relationship kinda. I am married and this extra money would let her not work part time while she goes to school. I could find uses for this extra money but I don’t necessarily need it.
I have only been working at A for 2.5 years since graduation.
What can I do to help me decide what to do?
Submitted August 31, 2021 at 09:31AM by JohnniRobbi https://ift.tt/3zzM4SO