Lately, I've been seeing some posts/comments about what r/investing used to be and isn't now, or how much better it was before a certain influx users, or how mods have ruined it, or whatever other complaints and gripes people have. What I haven't seen since I started lurking (admittedly not that long ago, but before you hate, longer than this account has existed) is who the users of the sub actually are.
So, I'm curious. Who are you r/investing? And I don't mean that in a low effort post kind of way, but I would genuinely like to know who the community is and what they want out of the community they are subscribed to.
Hopefully this post is okay with the mod team because I hope to foster a genuine discussion about who we are and what we are doing here. Feel free to answer some, or none, of my questions. But please do actually contribute to the discussion of what you're doing in this sub and what you would like to see more of.
- What level of experience do you have with investing and how long have you been investing? Are you a total beginner? Are you an industry professional? Have you just been managing your 401K for a decade?
- What kind of an investor are you? Buy and hold? Momentum? ESG investor? Some archetypes you can pick from, but feel free to write your own:
- A boring, boomer ETF (or worse, mutual fund) holder clinging on to your 60/40 portfolio for dear life while the Treasury prints more IOUs than you can stuff into brokerage account while maintaining the perfect ratio?
- A WSB expat who is starting to realize the squeeze is already squoze, that the shorts covered on the way up, and that although the bag you're holding is the size of the moon, it won't be going there?
- A crypto evangelist just here to preach to unwashed masses about our lord and savior Bitcoin, which is the only thing standing between my hard earned dollars and the eternal hellfires of the Federal Reserve, kept burning by all the heat from J. Powell's money printer?
- A day trader following the time tested eBook advice of your favorite Youtuber who totally makes $10K profit daily and is only making his Youtube videos out of the kindness of his heart to help new investors for a small fee?
- A permabear who doesn't actually have any money invested because you've been waiting for the market correction that's been coming any day now since 2013?
- What are you doing on r/investing in the first place? Are you here for the top tier DD? To browse market news? To get in on early on the pump? Did you forget you were even subbed?
- What do you invest in? Stocks only? Bonds? Real Estate? Crypto?
- Obviously its a touchy subject, but to the extent that you're comfortable ballparking it, how much money do you have invested? A couple hundred dollars? $1K - $10K? $10K - $50K? $50K - $100K? $100K+? ($1M+ feel free to PM me your brokerage account login details for verification, your secrets are safe with me)
- Feel free to shill me your favorite overlooked sector or undervalued stock so that we can all better judge how smart you are.
This post is long enough, and no one cares about my answers anyway, so I'll put them in a comment below. Please don't stray too far off topic and get the post closed (if it even stays up long enough for you to do that).
Submitted April 27, 2021 at 07:47PM by TemporaryUsername-