I don't know if it happens to many of you, but sometimes I read an article, watch a youtube video of a prominent economist or financial pundit making a comment about the general economy or the market. Then I think to myself, well this guy/woman sounds amazing, what they say totally makes sense. Then I scroll through the comments and see comments saying "this person was wrong in XXXX about YYY". And it looks like many of these comments are fair observations based on some preliminary research. And yet they still bring these guys up on TV regularly. As a matter of fact, you can do searches like "ZZZ was wrong", and replace ZZZ with "Ben Bernanke", "Alan Greenspan", "Paul Krugman", etc., and see the results for yourselves.
My question is, how do you identify non-partisan, non-exuberant, data-driven, persistent and reliable informers on economics and financial markets with a good track record? I know I am supposed to educate myself, but I am still a beginner and I would like to have some sense in how to seek better information.
Submitted April 09, 2019 at 11:39AM by aegeanrain http://bit.ly/2D4mPNx