They are projecting adj. EBITDA of 1.98 Billion in 2024 but they are assuming 85% occupancy to get that figure, so I don't know how realistic that figure is. Wework is a much better company that last time it tried to go public and the new management has cut costs with a chainsaw. I still think it is a bad business. The pro-forma shares outstanding is 792.7 Million and at current prices, the company is valued at 8.8 Billion.
Projecting a loss of 922M in terms of adj. EBITDA next year and then expects to generates adj.EBITDA profit of 428M in 2022. that means it won't turn a profit for a long time, They have about 4 Billion dollars. The interest on those debt will probably wipe away most of the EBITDA. Also share compensation seems low and we can probably expect an increase after the IPO.
Submitted March 27, 2021 at 11:41PM by Outside-South5454