Hello all! I have been investing in index funds for the past two years. I am 20 years old with a Roth IRA and Brokerage account. I use Charles Schwab as my provider. The thing I was wondering if I was investing in the right index funds.
I saw a video from Graham Stephen two years ago when he mentioned to invest in a "three fund portfolio". I invested in SWISX, SWTSX, and SWAGX. Local funds, international funds, and bond funds. What I am worried about is that I might have my money in the wrong fund for 30+ years and I missed out on tons of extra money. I see
This only compounded my fears when I saw that Morning Star gave SWAGX a three star. Am I over reacting or is this something I should change.
I am technically investing in the right fund types(local, international, bond) but I'm not sure if there are better funds available. It only makes it worse when every website says Vanguard and Fidelity. I don't really see Schwab mentioned
My allocation is 70% US 20% International 10% Bonds 22K currently invested between those funds.
Thanks for taking your time reading this and I'm open to any feedback.
Submitted March 21, 2021 at 06:55PM by Knightmaster8502 https://ift.tt/3c7NCKL