Question for people that likely know cars/finance better than I do.
So I leased a Chevy Volt (premium with leather seats and Bose sound, mostly so I had a back/front sensor) in 2018, my lease ends in mid Feb. i really like the car and already have a plug in my garage set up, so I was looking into how much it would be to buy the car from the dealership - they told me it would be about 19.6k.
- Is that a normal amount?
- Since the car is discontinued, is there any negotiating I can try and do? As the car online is worth about 15k.
- Since it’s a plug in model, is it even worth it to buy, or better not to get a discontinued car?
- Since I’ve never owned a car - do you choose how many months you pay over, or how does that usually work?
Thank you for your help!
Submitted January 28, 2021 at 01:20AM by Missgilmore