My victoria secret credit card was suspended, but the credit card company flagged my card as "closed" and it has shown up on my credit score (CreditKarma) as "closed by creditors"
I since paid off that card in full and the card was re-opened.... (Card was re-opened January 18th, 2019)
I used the card (January 20th) paid my bill February 2nd and my account is currently paid off once again and has a limit of 750.00 USD
Credit Karma still claims that my VS card that I used and can use again is closed. The account is NOT closed. It never was closed, it was just suspended until I could fix the issue that was taking place.
(The issue being when I tried to pay my bill, the money was sent back to the bank twice)
I understand that this can take some time for the account to be labeled as "open" once again, but When should I start to take action if it never appears opens again?
Submitted February 19, 2019 at 07:28AM by ThrowAwayConfessNW http://bit.ly/2SNyCcX