Apparently a local credit union bought a few locations of a local bank I use last Friday, and over the weekend are transferring these locations over to the CU. This change apparently involved switching all accounts over to the new CU, but I was given no notice when they were bought, or when they closed my checking account the same day, disabling my card. I only happened to notice after getting declined buying food. I also almost missed an insurance payment, but I do my insurance with a 3rd bank who were very understanding, but it was incredibly frustrating considering the automatic payments failed and it was due. The bank who used to owned the account told me it was "closed without comment from the institution" and that I should call the new bank to find out more information.
The plan is call the CU on Monday (they don't have weekend customer service, go figure) and figure out where all my money has vanished to and get it out, but is there anything else I should be doing? I was under the impression that I was to be notified if a change happened to my account, especially if it was to be closed.
Submitted December 06, 2020 at 07:41PM by littleman1988