I have no debt and $20k in a HYSA which should last me at least 9 months or so in case of job loss which I do not anticipate. I've maxed out my Roth IRA for 2020 and contribute 20% to my 401k which should be right at about maxed by year's end. I have no plans to buy a vehicle or home in the near future. I've been feeding a taxable brokerage account which has grown to about $9,300. Should I continue to invest into the brokerage account? I am hesitant to focus on savings as the $ will just lose value sitting. Thoughts? Ideas on what I'm not doing or doing wrong? I only started getting informed and serious about saving and investing in the past year. Thanks.
Submitted November 19, 2020 at 10:01PM by NELA_21 https://ift.tt/3pI0ETP