I weigh 165lbs. I don't go up in my attic often, but I have some need a few times a year. I am currently working on a project, walking on joists, and decided I would like to add a "catwalk" and a small storage area. I will be the the only person who uses it. Again, 165lbs. I still plan to walk on joists, but this is an "in case" to make sure I don't put my foot through the ceiling or worse. It doesn't need to look good. I was planning to use 4x8 wafer board or OSB or whatever is cheapest. (I'm no expert, so I don't know the difference). I plan to nail them in place with a nailer. Is 3/8" good enough? My joists are 2' apart. I've stood on OSB for other outdoor projects without any problem. Is there any other material that is any cheaper and would suit this project? via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2F4OGRT