TL\DR: Save myself $700 fixing my washing machine. No pictures sorry.Unfortunately, I don't have pictures. But the clutch on my 1 and half-year-old washing machine went out. I was pretty pissed about it. I saw someone on Youtuber fixed his washer with a dime. Seemed easy enough so I flipped my machine over and my clutch was broken in half. It looked pretty easy to take out so I ordered a new part and left the washing machine on its side. The part came in on Friday. I set about removing the old clutch. Of course, I'm doing it wrong. It's not as easy as it seems. Quick youtube search shows me I have to take the tub completely out of the washing machine. There is a 34MM bolt holding the tub to the clutch. The youtube video shows him using a 10" pipe wrench and a mallet, hit it twice, and off it comes. I get a 10" pipe wrench and a mallet and hammer and hammer and hammer. One hour I spent hammer the thing! it wouldn't budge. After a ton of frustration, the wife and I go to Bestbuy to buy a new one. Our logic part was about $200. I'd guess at least another $200 if not more for labor. We bought a new washer this time with the warranty for about $900. To be delivered on Tuesday. Well today, I decided to give another hour of hammering. Today it came off after about 10 minutes. An hour and a half later I have a working washing machine. Going to cancel the BB order and saved me about $700.Just felt like sharing. via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/3lWTCI7