Well, the title says it all, due to me being young and stupid, I have about 77k in credit card debt. I am a truck driver and I gross about 3-4,500$ a week. After fuel and expenses with my truck,, I probably take home between 1500-2000k a week depending on the workload. I have just been stupid with money and some very big repairs that I ended up putting on my credit cards because they had 0% interest for awhile. Work was very busy until some plants got shutdown so I went from making steady 5,500k a week to more like 3,500. And I kept spending money as if i was making the big amount. Anyways, my debt is
Chase freedom buisness---45k$ min1,200$ Chase freedom personal---13k$ min 450$ Bank of America----------------11,500$ min 430$ Discover-----------------------------3,500$ Amazon------------------------------4,200$ Amex----------------------------------2,700$
My bills Car. 330$ Semi truck loan 1,000$ John deere zero turn and trailer 300$ Insurance for personal- 200$ Insurance for semi truck-500$ Rent--free for now Electricity,Water--‐-‐---------240$ Misc------‐-------------------------200$ Food---?
I use to spend about 25-30$ a day in food while I work but I have cut out all my road food and now pack a lunch. We also use to eat out about once a day for one of the meals. We have cut that out as well.
I sold my new pickup I got before I accrued this debt so that saved about 1,500$ a month including insurance. We also moved to a new place and since we put so much work into the place, the owner said we would get free rent for awhile since he lives across the country. So that saves us 500$ a month.
Its my wife and I and our 2 year old and we also are the guardian of a 9 year old for the foreseeable future.
I am only 23 and as you can see I am just plain stupid. Please don't be rude because I know I am the dumbest person alive. Thank you in advance for any help!
Submitted October 04, 2020 at 07:07PM by driver316 https://ift.tt/3ldoqUS