Hi!This honestly sounded so simple when I started. I’m wondering if it’s deceptively difficult or I’m just making it harder than it needs to be.I’m having difficulty coming up with a method to make in acrylic/plexiglass/lexan, what my 3D printer so easily creates in PLA. Essentially I’m trying to make a light diffusing lid with half-thickness slots. I’m satisfied with my design and my wood/CNC and PLA/3D printed prototypes, and am trying to make a demo out of the legit production material, whatever it might be.For example, a 10mm thick sheet of plywood with 5mm deep square slots cut into it. The slots don’t go all the way through, but are deeper than a simple laser engraving. This is easily done on a CNC, even easier made on a 3D printer, but not so easy with a brittle acrylic/plexiglass material.One solution in my mind is resin casting, which would diffuse light well and allow for such slot modifications. But I don’t think this is a very affordable mass production option.Is there a better material or method? via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/3i69aYE