So my wife did her first tiling job on our basement shower and she chose hexagonal tile with a shower recess... nightmare. Plus the walls under the shower were horribly uneven even due to the previous owner's halfassed framing job. So all of this adds up to tons of very odd cuts in a lot of places - leading to my pondering some very unconventional solutions.For the recess, where the cut edge of the shelf tile of the inner edges meets the outer tile cut edges it needs to be covered / rounded. I tried to find pencil tile to fit but cannot, it bulges out too much. So my options are A) sculpt rounded edges, or B) find a small diameter dow rod matching the tile color and attaching it in between, then grouting. Will either of those work?TLDR, can you "sculpt" unsanded grout? via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2P4b0vO