I’m really mixed up. I’m 28F. I’ve been miserable going from one deadend job to another. I’ve been at my current job for 4 years as a mental health case worker and I’m miserable. My ultimate goal is to be able to buy a house within a few years, by 30-31. It’s all I look forward to, having my own home and not relying on anyone.
But I don’t see how I’ll ever get there or if it’s worth sacrificing my late 20s to live with parents to save or take a job that pays more that I don’t want. (I moved back with parents last month and commute two hours to work now due to moving).
I interviewed for a job a few weeks ago that pays 55k. They later called and said I was the final candidate and asked for references. I’ve never made that amount before. But I’m not sure how excited I am about the job and if I stay in this area by my parents that the job is in, it would be hard to move out on my own since rent is over $1800 here. Unless I stay with parents for two years, take the job and put a down payment for a house.
The thing is I’m miserable staying at my parents. I didn’t think it would be that overwhelming and hard. My sister lives here and she has all types of disturbing mood issues every other day, it’s getting really uncomfortable to deal with that I’m anxious all the time along with dealing with my current job that pays 34K, that I’m having a very hard time with (very emotionally demanding work and being overworked).
If I move out again, I only have a few thousand saved up, and I’d be in the same situation I was in before, living paycheck to paycheck and working a deadend job. And that 55k job I just interviewed with was a rare occurance for me, (my four year degree is in psychology).
The last option I thought of to save and one I’d enjoy was to get my tefl and teach abroad or go to another country and teach online. I’d been looking in to teaching in vietnam, it’s a place where it seems the quality of life is good and cost of living is cheap. Maybe I should pack up my things and go and be adventurous for once. But it seems so damn risky, and what if things go wrong or I don’t save much and come back broke.
I feel very lost, anxious, scared of my future, and worried about how to become financially stable and stay sane/happy in the long run. I feel directionless, whether i stay with parents (save but anxious) or move out (higher costs and dead end job). Seems hopeless.
Any advice would be very much appreciated!
Submitted August 05, 2019 at 08:35PM by Yellowpearl35 https://ift.tt/2MFzKLp