Graduated college in December 2015 with 31k in Student loans and ever since then my focus has been to pay off my student loans.Well come September,I will be completely debt free.I am excited and overwhelmed. I have been looking forward to this day since I graduated but now I am overwhelmed as I have no idea what to do going forward.I have been contributing to my 401 k about 6%(No employer matching).My budget has been very basic as in I cut a lot of things out in order to afford to pay down my loans.I make $36,400 and I have a side income of 10k a year.I have an emergency fund of $1200.I feel guilty spending money as I feel like I should be putting it towards retirement as I don't have enough in my retirement account since I am 27 years old.I feel like I am running out of time.At the same time,I want to add a little fun money into my budget without feeling guilty.How do I get pass the guilt feelings.
Here is my budget
Rent-$490(Utilities included) For CA this is as cheap as I could get.
Health/Dental Insurance-$52
Car Insurance-$41.45
Tap Card-$80( I bike/take the train to work)
Student Loans-$2k($3800 @ 3.15 left)
I use google voice as my phone service.I will be increasing my grocery budget come October to $80.I don't know if I should increase my emergency fund to 5k and then put everything else in my 401k retirement account or bump it up to 10K?I am also looking to opening a ROTH and maxing it out this year.Is it doable?
Submitted August 22, 2017 at 01:54PM by Bevn182