My mom started her dental treatment in April including pulling 9 teeth out and 2 partial dentures. Her insurance paid $2,000, and she had to pay the remaining ($2,000) in cash right at front. However, in 1.5 months, all that dental office had done for my month was just 1 tooth extraction and 2 impressions for upper and lower dentures at the first appointment. After that, they kept telling my mom her case was not ready yet. After waiting for 1.5 months, we came back to the office to get another impression (they told me that the first ones were not taken correctly, so they wanted to retake). When we walked in to the treatment room, there was a dead cockroach on the floor, dust everywhere, and blue liquid spilled on the chair. I was disgusted and did not want my mom to continue the treatment. We tried to ask for money back, but it has been more than 6 weeks and they keep telling me the finance person is either on vacation or moving to another department. My mom is having a hard time eating now, so what can we do? I know the State Board of Dental will not get involve in money dispute, so I'm pretty confused of what to do except calling them numerous times. Also, is it possible to get a full refund back as this was not our fault to refuse the treatment?
Submitted July 22, 2019 at 08:08PM by Kite143